E-Introducing Automation for Cisco Solutions

US$ 225,00

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The Introducing Automation for Cisco Solutions (CSAU) v1.0 course gives you a broad overview of network automation skills.

You will learn the fundamentals of automation such as working on model-driven programmability solutions with Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol (RESTCONF) and Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) protocols. The course also covers data formats and types, including XML, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Yet Another Markup Language (YAML), and Yet Another Next Generation (YANG), and their value in network automation, along with DevOps tools such as Ansible and Git.

This course does not lead directly to a certification exam, but it does cover foundational knowledge that can help you prepare for several professional-level automation courses and exams.

Access Duration: 180 days

E-Learning includes:

  • Labs
  • Self-Paced Training
  • Video Training

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