WISECURE 1.1 - Securing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks

US$ 862,00

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This is a Professional-level self-study technical course in the curriculum for the CCNP Wireless certification. It provides students with the guidelines for implementing Wi-Fi security architectures through proper configuration of Cisco wireless components. WISECURE provides students hands-on labs to reinforce concepts. Concepts taught include deploying Cisco AireOS 8.0, Prime Infrastructure release 2.2, and Identity Services Engine release 1.3 features.

Objectives include:

" Define security approaches in a Wi-Fi design " Describe how to design and deploy end point and client security " Describe how to design and deploy ISE in a Wi-Fi network " Explain how to secure the Wi-Fi infrastructure " Design and deploy Wi-Fi access control " Describe management and monitoring capabilities in the Wi-Fi environment

This new Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training. Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Interactivity is enabled through Discovery Labs, content review questions, and graded Challenge labs and tests. This makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectiveness, and provides students direct feedback on how well they have mastered the material. And gamification features are built in, including earning badges and a leaderboard, to encourage better performance.

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