Koda: VMWARE_ICM_OSFT Data Center VMWARE Težavnost: Advanced

VMware vSphere:Install,Configure,Manage+Optimaze&ScaleFastTr

2 400,00 €
brez DDV

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Cena brez DDV 2 400,00 €

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By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: • Describe the software-defined data center • Deploy an ESXi host and create virtual machines • Describe the vCenter Server architecture • Deploy VMware vCenter® Server Appliance™ • Back up and restore vCenter Server • Deploy vCenter Server Appliance to be highly available • Use vCenter Server to manage an ESXi host • Configure and manage the vSphere infrastructure with VMware vSphere® Client™ and VMware vSphere® Web Client • Configure virtual networks with vSphere standard switches • Use vSphere distributed switches to improve network scalability • Use vCenter Server to manage various types of storage • Manage virtual machines, templates, clones, and snapshots • Perform basic troubleshooting of ESXi hosts, virtual machines, and vCenter Server • Create a vApp • Describe and use the content library • Migrate virtual machines with VMware vSphere® vMotion® • Use VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion® to migrate virtual machine storage • Monitor resource usage and manage resource pools • Manage VMware vSphere® High Availability and VMware vSphere® Fault Tolerance • Use VMware vSphere® Replication™ and VMware vSphere® Data Protection™ to replicate virtual machines and perform data recovery • Use VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ clusters to improve host scalability • Use VMware vSphere® Update Manager™ to apply patches and perform upgrades • Configure and manage ESXi networking and storage for a large and sophisticated enterprise • Configure and use virtual machine storage policies • Configure VMware vSphere® Storage I/O Control • Configure VMware vSphere® Storage DRS™ • Encrypt virtual machines for additional security

Certifications This course prepares you for the following certification: • VMware Certified Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6-DCV)


5 dnevi (8h/day)


This course requires the following prerequisites: • System administration experience on Microsoft Windows or Linux operating systems.


This intensive, extended-hours course takes you from introductory to advanced VMware vSphere® management skills. Building on the installation and configuration content from our best-selling course, you will also develop advanced skills needed to manage and maintain a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure. Through a mix of lecture and hands-on labs, you will install, configure, and optimize vSphere 6.5. You will explore the features that build a foundation for a truly scalable infrastructure, and discuss when and where these features have the greatest effect. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size using vSphere 6.5, which includes VMware ESXi™ 6.5 and VMware vCenter Server® 6.5.

Product Alignment: • ESXi 6.5 • vCenter Server 6.5

Intended Audience: • System administrators • System engineers


VMware ebook and LAB.

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Alef centri za usposabljanje, dostop do izobraževalnega razredu kapaciteto 12 sedežev. .

Vsaka učilnica je opremljena s projektorjem, plošče, WiFi in računalniško opremo. Praktično usposabljanje omogoča udeležencem, da pridobijo veščine, potrebne za konfiguriranje programske opreme.




ALEF Training Center ima na razpolago pet izobraževalnih učilnic. Trije razredi so dobila ime po celinah - Avstralija, ki ima kapaciteto 8, Evropa in Afrika ima vsaka od 12 - obseg dopolnjuje učilnica z opremo (12 mest) in s pomočjo kompetenčnega centra (18 mest).


ALEF ima 4 učilnice za usposabljanje poimenovane po svetovnih mestih. Sidney ima kapaciteto 16 postelj, Rotterdam in Hamburg, vsak ima 12 sedežev, medtem ko je v New Yorku 8 mest.


ALEF izobraževalni center ima tri učilnice za usposabljanje, ki so poimenovane po mestih v državah, v katerih posluje Alef. Praga ima kapaciteto 12 sedežev, Bratislava in Budimpešta ima 8 mest.


Z ekipo več kot 50 trenerjev ponujamo celoten nabor tehnoloških znanj na področju usmerjanja in preklapljanja, varnosti, sodelovanja in podatkovnih centrov. Strokovnost inštruktorjev dokazuje vrsta vrhunskih mednarodnih certifikatov.

Edinstvenost naših predavateljev je predvsem v njihovi bogati izkušnji z vsakim projektom, zato so zelo prilagodljivi pri odzivanju na predloge študentov ali odgovarjanju na vprašanja in prenašanju praktičnega znanja na tečajnike. Zahvaljujoč zaupanja vrednemu delovanju podjetja in dolgoletnim izkušnjam, smo zelo prilagodljivi pri odzivanju na projekte, ki jih pripravljamo v Ciscu, zato vam lahko zagotovimo široko paleto certificiranih tečajev, ki vam in vašim sodelavcem omogočajo pridobitev potrebnega strokovnega znanja za prihodnje preizkuse certificiranja.

Poleg certificiranega usposabljanja ponujamo tudi posebne tečaje, ki se osredotočajo na:

Cisco Learning Partner Comptia F5 AWS Microsoft vmware palo alto


ALEF Distribucija SI, d.o.o. 
Brnčičeva 15B, 1231 Ljubljana