Koda: IP6FD Infrastruktura CISCO Težavnost: Advanced

IPv6 Fundamentals, Design and Deployment

1 500,00 €
brez DDV

Alternativni datumi in lokacije

Online training
Budimpešta, HU

Onsite training
Budimpešta, HU
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IPv6 Fundamentals, Design, and Deployment (IP6FD) v3.0 is an instructor-led course that is presented by Cisco Learning Partners to end-user customers. This five-day course provides network engineers and technicians who are working in the enterprise sector with the knowledge and skills that are needed to study and configure the IP version 6 (IPv6) features of Cisco IOS Software. The course also provides an overview of IPv6 technologies; covers IPv6 design and implementation; describes IPv6 operations, addressing, routing, services, and transition; and describes deployment of IPv6 in enterprise networks as well as in service provider networks. The course also includes case studies that are useful for deployment scenarios and remote labs.

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

  • Describe the factors that led to the development of IPv6, and the possible uses of this new IP structure.
  • Describe the structure of the IPv6 address format, how IPv6 interacts with data link layer technologies, and how IPv6 is supported in Cisco IOS Software.
  • Describe the nature of changes to DNS and DHCP to support IPv6, and how networks can be renumbered using both services.
  • Understand the updates to IPv4 routing protocols needed to support IPv6 topologies.
  • Understand multicast concepts and IPv6 multicast specifics.
  • Describe IPv6 transition mechanisms and which methods will be most effective in your network.
  • Describe the standards bodies that define IPv6 address allocation, as well as one of the leading IPv6 deployment issues, multihoming.
  • Describe the deployment strategies that service providers are facing when deploying IPv6.
  • Describe case studies for enterprise, service provider, branch, and access networks.


5 dnevi (8h/day)


The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this course are as follows:

  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification.
  • Understanding of networking and routing (on CCNP level, but no certification required).
  • Working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system.


  • Module 1: Intro to IPv6
  • Module 2: IPv6 Operations
  • Module 3: IPv6 Services
  • Module 4: IPv6-Enabled Routing Protocols
  • Module 5: IPv6 Multicast Services
  • Module 7: IPv6 Security
  • Module 8: Deploying IPv6
  • Module 9: IPv6 and Service Providers
  • Module 10: IPv6 Case Studies


All attendees receive an original of Cisco study guide.

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Alef centri za usposabljanje, dostop do izobraževalnega razredu kapaciteto 12 sedežev. .

Vsaka učilnica je opremljena s projektorjem, plošče, WiFi in računalniško opremo. Praktično usposabljanje omogoča udeležencem, da pridobijo veščine, potrebne za konfiguriranje programske opreme.




ALEF Training Center ima na razpolago pet izobraževalnih učilnic. Trije razredi so dobila ime po celinah - Avstralija, ki ima kapaciteto 8, Evropa in Afrika ima vsaka od 12 - obseg dopolnjuje učilnica z opremo (12 mest) in s pomočjo kompetenčnega centra (18 mest).


ALEF ima 4 učilnice za usposabljanje poimenovane po svetovnih mestih. Sidney ima kapaciteto 16 postelj, Rotterdam in Hamburg, vsak ima 12 sedežev, medtem ko je v New Yorku 8 mest.


ALEF izobraževalni center ima tri učilnice za usposabljanje, ki so poimenovane po mestih v državah, v katerih posluje Alef. Praga ima kapaciteto 12 sedežev, Bratislava in Budimpešta ima 8 mest.


Z ekipo več kot 50 trenerjev ponujamo celoten nabor tehnoloških znanj na področju usmerjanja in preklapljanja, varnosti, sodelovanja in podatkovnih centrov. Strokovnost inštruktorjev dokazuje vrsta vrhunskih mednarodnih certifikatov.

Edinstvenost naših predavateljev je predvsem v njihovi bogati izkušnji z vsakim projektom, zato so zelo prilagodljivi pri odzivanju na predloge študentov ali odgovarjanju na vprašanja in prenašanju praktičnega znanja na tečajnike. Zahvaljujoč zaupanja vrednemu delovanju podjetja in dolgoletnim izkušnjam, smo zelo prilagodljivi pri odzivanju na projekte, ki jih pripravljamo v Ciscu, zato vam lahko zagotovimo široko paleto certificiranih tečajev, ki vam in vašim sodelavcem omogočajo pridobitev potrebnega strokovnega znanja za prihodnje preizkuse certificiranja.

Poleg certificiranega usposabljanja ponujamo tudi posebne tečaje, ki se osredotočajo na:

Cisco Learning Partner Comptia F5 AWS Microsoft vmware palo alto


ALEF Distribucija SI, d.o.o. 
Brnčičeva 15B, 1231 Ljubljana