Koda: DCMDS Data Center CISCO Težavnost: Advanced

Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches

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(4 dnevi (8h/day))
Bratislava Slovaška
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The DCMDS v2.0 course is a five-day training course that is designed as a comprehensive hands-on experience to familiarize data center systems engineers, field engineers, architects and Cisco partners who implement storage-networking solutions with the Cisco MDS 9000 Series switch platform. Upon finishing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the MDS 9000 Series switch platform, Cisco NX-OS, and the features of Cisco Prime DCNM
  • Explain the techniques and information that will enable you to perform the initial software configuration of a Cisco MDS 9000 Series switch, upgrade the system software, and enable licensing
  • Explain the configurations involved in building a Cisco Fibre Channel SAN fabric including interfaces, VSANs, domains, port channels, device aliases, NPV, NPIV, and zones
  • Describe and configure intelligent SAN fabric services on specific Cisco MDS 9000 Series switches and the software resources that are provided
  • Describe the FCoE protocol and the use of FCoE modules on the Cisco MDS 9500 Series Multilayer Director and Cisco MDS 9700 Series Multilayer Director as a Fibre Channel forwarder in a single-hop and multihop design
  • Describe the process of configuring security features on Cisco MDS 9000 Series switches to prevent unauthorized access, intrusion, and data theft, and to preserve data integrity in an enterprise SAN environment
  • Describe the steps for basic FCIP configuration, high availability implementation, and achieving a fault tolerant SAN extension using the IVR feature


5 dnevi (8h/day)


Basic understanding of data storage hardware components and protocols, including Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) and Fiber Channel Basic understanding of network protocols, including Ethernet and IP The knowledge that is covered in the Cisco CCNA or CCNA Data Center certification courses


  • Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switch Platform
    • Introducing Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches
    • Implementing Integrated Management
  • System Installation and Initial Configuration
    • Performing the Initial Switch Configuration
    • Installing and Licensing Cisco NX-OS Software
  • Building a SAN Fabric
    • Using FLOGI and FCNS Databases
    • Configuring Interfaces
    • Configuring Port Channels
    • Configuring Cisco NPV and NPIV
    • Configuring VSANs
    • Managing Domains
    • Configuring Distributed Device Aliases
    • Implementing Zoning
  • Intelligent SAN Fabric Services
    • Implementing Cisco MDS Data Mobility Manager
    • Monitoring Traffic Flow
  • FCoE Implementation
    • Describing FCoE
    • Configuring FCoE on Cisco MDS 9500 and 9700 Series Multilayer Directors
  • Security Implementation
    • Improving Management Security
    • Configuring AAA Services
    • Implementing Port Security and Fabric Binding
    • Configuring FC-SP
    • Implementing Link Encryption
  • FCIP Implementation
    • Creating an FCIP Tunnel
    • Configuring FCIP High Availability
    • Implementing IVR for SAN Extension
    • Tuning FCIP Performance

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Alef centri za usposabljanje, dostop do izobraževalnega razredu kapaciteto 12 sedežev. .

Vsaka učilnica je opremljena s projektorjem, plošče, WiFi in računalniško opremo. Praktično usposabljanje omogoča udeležencem, da pridobijo veščine, potrebne za konfiguriranje programske opreme.




ALEF Training Center ima na razpolago pet izobraževalnih učilnic. Trije razredi so dobila ime po celinah - Avstralija, ki ima kapaciteto 8, Evropa in Afrika ima vsaka od 12 - obseg dopolnjuje učilnica z opremo (12 mest) in s pomočjo kompetenčnega centra (18 mest).


ALEF ima 4 učilnice za usposabljanje poimenovane po svetovnih mestih. Sidney ima kapaciteto 16 postelj, Rotterdam in Hamburg, vsak ima 12 sedežev, medtem ko je v New Yorku 8 mest.


ALEF izobraževalni center ima tri učilnice za usposabljanje, ki so poimenovane po mestih v državah, v katerih posluje Alef. Praga ima kapaciteto 12 sedežev, Bratislava in Budimpešta ima 8 mest.


Z ekipo več kot 50 trenerjev ponujamo celoten nabor tehnoloških znanj na področju usmerjanja in preklapljanja, varnosti, sodelovanja in podatkovnih centrov. Strokovnost inštruktorjev dokazuje vrsta vrhunskih mednarodnih certifikatov.

Edinstvenost naših predavateljev je predvsem v njihovi bogati izkušnji z vsakim projektom, zato so zelo prilagodljivi pri odzivanju na predloge študentov ali odgovarjanju na vprašanja in prenašanju praktičnega znanja na tečajnike. Zahvaljujoč zaupanja vrednemu delovanju podjetja in dolgoletnim izkušnjam, smo zelo prilagodljivi pri odzivanju na projekte, ki jih pripravljamo v Ciscu, zato vam lahko zagotovimo široko paleto certificiranih tečajev, ki vam in vašim sodelavcem omogočajo pridobitev potrebnega strokovnega znanja za prihodnje preizkuse certificiranja.

Poleg certificiranega usposabljanja ponujamo tudi posebne tečaje, ki se osredotočajo na:

Cisco Learning Partner Comptia F5 AWS Microsoft vmware palo alto


ALEF Distribucija SI, d.o.o. 
Brnčičeva 15B, 1231 Ljubljana