Cod: MS_20483-C MICROSOFT Dificultate: De bază

Programming in C#

1 000,00 €

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Preț 1 000,00 €

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This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required for developers to create Windows applications using the Visual C# language. During their five days in the classroom students review the basics of Visual C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details, and then consolidate their knowledge throughout the week as they build an application that incorporates several features of the .NET Framework 4.7.


5 Zile


Prerequisites Developers attending this course should already have gained some limited experience using C# to complete basic programming tasks. More specifically, students should have hands-on experience using C# that demonstrates their understanding of the following:

How to name, declare, initialize and assign values to variables within an application. How to use: arithmetic operators to perform arithmetic calculations involving one or more variables; relational operators to test the relationship between two variables or expressions; logical operators to combine expressions that contain relational operators. How to create the code syntax for simple programming statements using C# language keywords and recognize syntax errors using the Visual Studio IDE. How to create a simple branching structure using an IF statement. How to create a simple looping structure using a For statement to iterate through a data array. How to use the Visual Studio IDE to locate simple logic errors. How to create a Function that accepts arguments (parameters and returns a value of a specified type). How to design and build a simple user interface using standard controls from the Visual Studio toolbox. How to connect to a SQL Server database and the basics of how to retrieve and store data. How to sort data in a loop. How to recognize the classes and methods used in a program.


Module 1: Review of Visual C# Syntax The Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7 provides a comprehensive development platform that you can use to build, deploy, and manage applications and services. By using the .NET Framework, you can create visually compelling applications, enable seamless communication across technology boundaries, and provide support for a wide range of business processes.

In this module, you will learn about some of the core features provided by the .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio. You will also learn about some of the core Visual C# constructs that enable you to start developing .NET Framework applications.

Lessons Overview of Writing Application by Using Visual C# Data Types, Operators, and Expressions Visual C# Programming Language Constructs Lab : Implementing Edit Functionality for the Students List Implementing Insert Functionality for the Students List Implementing Delete Functionality for the Students List Displaying a Student’s Age After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the architecture of .NET Framework applications and the features that Visual Studio 2017 and Visual C# provide. Use basic Visual C# data types, operators, and expressions. Use standard Visual C# constructs. Module 2: Creating Methods, Handling Exceptions, and Monitoring Applications Applications often consist of logical units of functionality that perform specific functions, such as providing access to data or triggering some logical processing. Visual C# is an object-orientated language and uses the concept of methods to encapsulate logical units of functionality. A method can be as simple or as complex as you like, and therefore it is important to consider what happens to the state of your application when an exception occurs in a method.

In this module, you will learn how to create and use methods and how to handle exceptions. You will also learn how to use logging and tracing to record the details of any exceptions that occur.

Lessons Creating and Invoking Methods Creating Overloaded Methods and Using Optional and Output Parameters Handling Exceptions Monitoring Applications Lab : Extending the Class Enrolment Application Functionality Refactoring the Enrolment Code Validating Student Information Saving Changes to the Class List After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create and invoke methods. Create overloaded methods and use optional parameters. Handle exceptions. Monitor applications by using logging, tracing, and profiling Module 3: Basic types and constructs of Visual C# To create effective applications by using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) or other .NET Framework platforms, you must first learn some basic Visual C# constructs. You need to know how to create simple structures to represent the data items you are working with. You need to know how to organize these structures into collections, so that you can add items, retrieve items, and iterate over your items. Finally, you need to know how to subscribe to events so that you can respond to the actions of your users.

In this module, you will learn how to create and use structs and enums, organize data into collections, and create and subscribe to events.

Lessons Implementing Structs and Enums Organizing Data into Collections Handling Events Lab : Writing the Code for the Grades Prototype Application Adding Navigation Logic to the Grades Prototype Application Creating Data Types to Store User and Grade Information Displaying User and Grade Information After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create and use structs and enums. Use collection classes to organize data. Create and subscribe to events. Module 4: Creating Classes and Implementing Type-Safe Collections In this module, you will learn how to use interfaces and classes to define and create your own custom, reusable types. You will also learn how to create and use enumerable, type-safe collections of any type.

Lessons Creating Classes Defining and Implementing Interfaces Implementing Type-Safe Collections Lab : Adding Data Validation and Type-Safety to the Application Implementing the Teacher, Student, and Grade Structs as Classes Adding Data Validation to the Grade Class Displaying Students in Name Order Enabling Teachers to Modify Class and Grade Data After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create and instantiate classes. Create and instantiate interfaces. Use generics to create type-safe collections. Module 5: Creating a Class Hierarchy by Using Inheritance In this module, you will learn how to use inheritance to create class hierarchies and to extend .NET Framework types.

Lessons Creating Class Hierarchies Extending .NET Framework Classes Lab : Refactoring Common Functionality into the User Class Refactoring Common Functionality into the User Class Implementing Password Complexity by Using an Abstract Method Creating the ClassFullException Custom Exception After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create base classes and derived classes by using inheritance. Create classes that inherit from .NET Framework classes. Module 6: Reading and Writing Local Data In this module, you will learn how to read and write data by using transactional file system I/O operations, how to serialize and deserialize data to the file system, and how to read and write data to the file system by using streams.

Lessons Reading and Writing Files Serializing and Deserializing Data Performing I/O by Using Streams Lab : Generating the Grades Report Serializing Data for the Grades Report as XML Previewing the Grades Report Persisting the Serialized Grade Data to a File After completing this module, you will be able to:

Read and write data to and from the file system by using file I/O. Convert data into a format that can be written to or read from a file or other data source. Use streams to send and receive data to or from a file or data source. Module 7: Accessing a Database In this module, you will learn how to create and use entity data models (EDMs) and how to query many types of data by using Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).

Lessons Creating and Using Entity Data Models Querying Data by Using LINQ Lab : Retrieving and Modifying Grade Data Creating an Entity Data Model from The School of Fine Arts Database Updating Student and Grade Data by Using the Entity Framework Extending the Entity Data Model to Validate Data After completing this module, you will be able to:

Create, use, and customize an EDM. Query data by using LINQ. Module 8: Accessing Remote Data In this module, you will learn how to use the request and response classes in the System.Net namespace to directly manipulate remote data sources. You will also learn how to use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Data Services to expose and consume an entity data model (EDM) over the web.

Lessons Accessing Data Across the Web Accessing Data by Using OData Connected Services Lab : Retrieving and Modifying Grade Data Remotely Creating a WCF Data Service for the SchoolGrades Database Integrating the Data Service into the Application Retrieving Student Photographs Over the Web (If Time Permits) After completing this module, you will be able to:

Send data to and receive data from web services and other remote data sources. Access data by using WCF Data Services. Module 9: Designing the User Interface for a Graphical Application In this module, you will learn how to use Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to create engaging UIs.

Lessons Using XAML to Design a User Interface Binding Controls to Data Lab : Customizing Student Photographs and Styling the Application Customizing the Appearance of Student Photographs Styling the Logon View Animating the StudentPhoto Control (If Time Permits) After completing this module, you will be able to:

Use XAML to design a UI. Bind a XAML control to data. Apply styles to a XAML UI. Module 10: Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness In this module, you will learn how to improve the performance of your applications by distributing your operations across multiple threads.

Lessons Implementing Multitasking Performing Operations Asynchronously Synchronizing Concurrent Access to Data Lab : Improving the Responsiveness and Performance of the Application Ensuring That the UI Remains Responsive When Retrieving Teacher Data Providing Visual Feedback During Long-Running Operations After completing this module, you will be able to:

Use the Task Parallel Library to implement multitasking. Perform long-running operations without blocking threads. Control how multiple threads can access resources concurrently. Module 11: Integrating with Unmanaged Code In this module, you will learn how to interoperate unmanaged code in your applications and how to ensure that your code releases any unmanaged resources.

Lessons Creating and Using Dynamic Objects Managing the Lifetime of Objects and Controlling Unmanaged Resources Lab : Upgrading the Grades Report Generating the Grades Report by Using Word Controlling the Lifetime of Word Objects by Implementing the Dispose Pattern After completing this module, you will be able to:

Integrate unmanaged code into a Microsoft Visual C# application by using the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). Control the lifetime of unmanaged resources and ensure that your application releases resources. Module 12: Creating Reusable Types and Assemblies In this module, you will learn how to consume existing assemblies by using reflection and how to add additional metadata to types and type members by using attributes. You will also learn how to generate code at run time by using the Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) and how to ensure that your assemblies are signed and versioned, and available to other applications, by using the global assembly cache (GAC).

Lessons Examining Object Metadata Creating and Using Custom Attributes Generating Managed Code Versioning, Signing, and Deploying Assemblies Lab : Specifying the Data to Include in the Grades Report Creating and Applying the IncludeInReport attribute Updating the Report Storing the Grades.Utilities Assembly Centrally (If Time Permits) After completing this module, you will be able to:

Use reflection to inspect and execute assemblies. Create and consume custom attributes. Generate managed code at run time by using CodeDOM. Version, sign, and deploy your assemblies to the GAC. Module 13: Encrypting and Decrypting Data In this module, you will learn how to implement symmetric and asymmetric encryption and how to use hashes to generate mathematical representations of your data. You will also learn how to create and manage X509 certificates and how to use them in the asymmetric encryption process.

Lessons Implementing Symmetric Encryption Implementing Asymmetric Encryption Lab : Encrypting and Decrypting the Grades Report Encrypting the Grades Report Encrypting the Grades Report After completing this module, you will be able to:

Encrypt data by using symmetric encryption. Encrypt data by using asymmetric encryption.

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Săli de training

ALEF Training dispune de 3 săli de training în București, echipate cu sisteme moderne de ultimă generație, capabile să țină pasul cu orice nevoie a cursanților, și sisteme de proiecție pentru o difuzare facilă a informațiilor prezentate.

Sălile de instruire se modernizează in mod continuu. În Centrul de Competențe, folosim pentru instruire și seminarii Cisco Spark Board. Spark Board este în esență o tabletă uriașă care combină funcțiile și ecranul whiteboard pentru videoconferințe. Aveți ocazia unică de a experimenta acest mediu modern de comunicare.

Săli de training - București

Săli de training – Praga

Săli de training - Budapesta

Săli de training - Bratislava

Sală de training - Nautilius

Sală de training - Compass

Sală de training - Sonar

Echipa de traineri

O echipă bine pregătită, cu certificări importante și experință în domeniul IT, este pilonul principal al ALEF Training Center. Punem preț pe dezvoltarea continuă a trainerilor noștri, astfel încât să îți oferim toate cursurile de care ai nevoie.

Alături de noi și trainerii noștri, ai la dispoziție o gamă completă de cursuri în domenii precum: rutare și comutare, securitate, colaborare și centre de date. Mai jos regăsești toate informațiile despre noi.

Echipa Training & Expert Center Romania

Alexandra Pîrvu
Training Team Leader


Alexandra s-a alăturat echipei ALEF Training Center în noiembrie 2022, preluând rolul de Training Team Leader. Are zece ani de experiență în zona de training, fiind specializată pe segmentul cybersecurity. Alături de echipa de traineri, cât și de echipa de business development dedicată zonei de training, Alexandra răspunde la nevoile de educație continuă ale partenerilor ALEF.

Gabriela Lefter
Training Assistant


Gabi s-a alăturat echipei ALEF Training Center în luna Iunie 2021 având la bază o experiență în lumea IT&C, a acceptat provocarea să fie alături de echipa de training și va crește alături de noi, oferind suport participanților la curs, precum și colaboratorilor ALEF.

Ioana Galatioiu
Training Assistant


Ioana s-a alăturat echipei ALEF Training Center în 2023, având rolul de training assistant. Ea este o persoană organizată, ambițioasă și orientată către rezultate. Cu o experiență de peste 15 ani în zona de training, Ioana este pregătită să ofere suportul necesar tuturor participanților la trainingurile noastre astfel încât cursurile să se desfășoare în cele mai bune condiții.

George Ciolacu
Cisco Trainer ALEF


George Ciolacu este inginer și instructor certificat Cisco și are experiență vastă în industria tehnologiei informației. Este specializat în design-ul rețelelor enterprise, cât și al tehnologiilor ce fac parte din această arie, precum routing, switching, network security și are certificări importante, precum CCNP Enterprise si CCNP Security.

Vizualizare certificări

Bogdan Păun
Microsoft Trainer ALEF


Bogdan Păun este Microsoft System Engineer si Microsoft Certified Trainer în cadrul ALEF Distribution RO, cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în zona IT. Activează în proiecte ce variază, de la implementări de soluții până la livrarea de training-uri custom sau oficiale Microsoft, având certificări atât în zona de licențiere, cât și în cea tehnică.

Vizualizare certificări

Adrian Țopa
Microsoft Trainer ALEF


Adrian Topa este Azure System Engineer și Microsoft Certified Trainer în cadrul ALEF Distribution RO, cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în domeniul informației tehnologice. De asemenea, este specialist Cloud, deținând multiple certificări Microsoft Azure.

Vizualizare certificări

Sergiu Calinciuc
Cisco Trainer ALEF


Sergiu Calinciuc este instructor certificat Cisco, cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în domeniul IT și expertiză pe tehnologiile de colaborare. Pe baza certificărilor obținute, precum CCNP Enterprise și CCNP Collaboration și a cunoștințelor avansate despre infrastructurile de tip enterprise networking, este avizat să ofere servicii de consultanță și traininguri tehnice partenerilor ALEF pentru soluțiile complexe CISCO.

Vizualizare certificări

Rareș Odobescu
Cisco Trainer ALEF


Pasionat încă din adolescență de tehnologie și în special de networking, Rareș Odobescu este certificat ca instructor Cisco, pregătit să împărtășească cu bucurie cunoștințele pe care le-a acumulat de-a lungul proiectelor complexe în care a fost implicat, are la activ peste 10 clase livrate de CCNA și are competențe și în zone de Wifi și CCNP Enteprise. 

Vizualizare certificări

Adrian Murgescu
Cisco Trainer ALEF


Adrian Murgescu are o bogată experiență în tehnologiile de Data Center. Deține o serie de certificări la nivel profesional de la Cisco, VMware si Veeam și oferă constant servicii de implementare și training către partenerii ALEF. Cursurile de nivel CCNP Datacenter sunt cele pe care le predă în mod constant.  

Vizualizare certificări

Cosmin Mocanu
Palo Alto Networks Trainer ALEF


Cosmin Mocanu este inginer și instructor certificat Palo Alto Networks, cu o experiență de peste 20 ani în domeniul IT. Pe baza experienței vaste și a certificărilor obținute, Cosmin este avizat să ofere servicii de consultanță și traininguri tehnice partenerilor ALEF pentru soluțiile Palo Alto Networks.

Vizualizare certificări

Bogdan Ion
F5 Trainer ALEF


Bogdan Ion este F5 Networks System Engineer și trainer autorizat F5 în cadrul ALEF Distribution RO. Cu o experiență de peste 15 ani în zona de Network Security, Bogdan este pregătit să ofere servicii de consultanță și training-uri partenerilor ALEF pentru soluțiile F5.

Trainerii noștri se remarcă prin faptul că au o experiență practică vastă, dobândită de-a lungul proiectelor complexe la care au lucrat. Astfel, aceștia pot aborda orice subiect sau problematică ce vă este de interes, cursurile având parte teoretică și demo-uri practice pentru e înțelege cât mai bine soluția/produsul, în vederea obținerii certificărilor necesare.

De asemenea, oferim cursuri specializate, axate pe dobândirea abilităților de configurare, dar și cursuri personalizate adaptate cerințelor tale și companiei tale.

Suntem aici pentru a vă ajuta să obțineți toate informațiile și cunoștințele necesare pentru a deveni un expert în domeniu. Ne puteți scrie pe adresa, iar echipa noastră vă va răspunde în cel mai scurt timp.

5000 +



Săli de training




Lectori certificați



Unicitatea lectorilor noștri se datorează în principal faptului că au o experiență practică vastă, bazată pe diverse proiecte. Astfel, ei pot răspunde foarte flexibil la orice întrebare sau comentariu venind de la cursanți. Lectorii își transmit astfel cunoștințele practice participanților, la cursurile de formare. Datorită sinergiei funcționării fiabile a companiei și anilor de experiență, am reușit să răspundem în mod flexibil la viitoarele schimbări în specializările Cisco, astfel încât să putem garanta o gamă largă de cursuri certificate care vă vor permite ție și colegilor tăi să obțineți know-how-ul necesar pentru testele ulterioare de certificare.

Cisco Learning Partner Comptia F5 AWS Microsoft vmware palo alto


ALEF Distribution RO 
B-dul Dimitrie Pompeiu nr. 6E, Pipera Business Tower, et. 8, Sector 2, Bucuresti
+40-21-331.00.67 / 68 / 69